Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Closing Ceremony of Cyber Safety Campaign

The cyber safety campaign draws to a close on Thursday, 30th of July at 4.30pm after the 3 days of activities and exhibition programs in Canteen 1 Concourse (Red Brick Cafe).

We had preparing this closing ceremony for a long period time to make sure we can give a good and sweet memory for all of you, and of course hope you guys will always remember us -Invisible Trace 

 The closing ceremony of cyber safety campaign was first beginning with the speech given by our campaign President, Mr. Tan Ee Beng.

The ceremony continues by our final activity, “DRAW IT” which is the lucky draw session. Our campaign advisor, Miss Lim Siz Siz was being invited as the prize presenter. 

A very big thank you to  our main sponsor, Micro-Star International (MSI) as they sponsored us all the prizes for this lucky draw. 

Here are few of the lucky draw winners, CONGRATULATIONS and hope you like the prizes that we prepared for you guys !

 and guess who get the grand prize? 
Congratulations to Steff Chow in winning our grand prize and also don't forget to thank you our main sponsored - MSI. 

Last but not least, we would like to thank you our emcee for hosting our closing ceremony which is Brian Vunn and Helena Liew, well done guys ! 

Written By: 
Ong Mee Hung
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College 

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